The variety of habitats from the wetlands of Donana to the breathtaking Picos de Europa and the botanical treasure trove of Grazalema make Spain a fantastic destination for nature lovers.
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Extremadura in southwest Spain is famous for its history, farming and landscape, as well as being one of western Europe’s most popular areas for birdwatching.
A prime destination for lovers of spring wildlife in the Mediterranean, amid dramatic limestone landscapes. We search for botanical treasures and migrating birds.
The largest and most diverse of the Canary Islands, with much to explore including arid regions, primeval forest, volcanic peaks and plants found nowhere else in the world.
You can reach Spain by train from the UK. From London you can reach Madrid in a day and Malaga and Granada in one night. The Balearic Islands can be reached by ferry from Barcelona and the Canary Islands by ferry from Huelva or Cadiz. Contact us to find out more, and to make your holiday flight-free.